Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Looking forward to a good campaign

3 Things We Expect From The Call of Duty Black Ops 4. The newer versions of Call of Duty have always been one of the most anticipated games of the year. This year too all eyes are set on the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 and what it will have in store for the enthusiasts.

Here are the 3 things we expect to see in the Call of Duty Black Ops 4:

#1. We look forward to a good campaign

As players we have seen real good stuff in the first two series but the BLOPS 3 turned out to be slightly disappointing. This was a single-player game which barely lasted for eight hours and looked pretty dull when compared to the other games in this series.

In this year’s BLOP, we really look forward to the 4 player co-op campaign. Similar to the last game, we would like the makers to give players the options to control the game based on their preferences.

We would like to see exciting new levels that motivate the players to use their abilities and traits instead of simply rewarding the ‘run and gun’ play. We would like the game to make the players feel like an integral part of their world and not just a part of the segment.

#2. Strike missions and hopefully multiple endings too! read here

#3. Introduction of zombies – read here

Call of Duty Fan


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